Matt Bannister is an artist and illustrator based in London, UK. Obsessed with the quirks and shapes of architecture, people, and everyday objects, he creates bold work full of detail and character with a bright and graphic style. After studying fine art at Lancaster University, he worked for the BBC for 14 years as an editor, shoot producer and art director for their publicity photography department. A desire to pick up the pencil and paintbrush, and be more hands on, prompted a career change to create imagery for others and a return to producing his own work. He has been a studio holder at Turf Projects in Croydon, south London, since 2017.

“I am fascinated by the people, objects, streets and shapes of urban life. My work is a response to the sights around us that many might take for granted. Composition is also important to me. I like a balance and a strong structure in my work, creating a space for the shapes, marks and colours to interact with each other. I take as much inspiration from a trip on a stuffy bus, as I do from a windy walk along a river. From Victorian brickwork and noisy markets to silent museums and sticky ‘pound shops’ – all have something that will catch my eye. I hope to show that everyday life is not always as drab and as flat as you think it is.”

