‘Croydon Conversations’

Georgeenia Ariaratnam
August 19, 2023
 to November 25, 2023
Turf, 46-47 Trinity Court, Whitgift Centre, Croydon CR01UQ

Free & open to all

The project aims to focus on the personification and humanising of the Whitgift centre. Informed by stories, memories and reflections of Croydon residents the character of “Whiftgift” will be brought to life. What are some of Whiftgift’s favourite memories? What have been some highlights and what have been some low lights over the years?


Visitors will have the opportunity to converse with Whitgift and together explore what future can they imagine for them and for Whitgift? How can we support Whitgift in transforming back into the thriving, bustling energy it once had?


‘Croydon Conversations‘ is one of the artist projects within Turf Projects’ latest commission series Desire Paths, as part of This Is Croydon, London Borough of Culture 2023. 

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