What tools and approaches can we use to plan and carry out creative projects?
Drawing on her practice as an artist and organiser Ruth Claxton will share her experience of getting projects off the ground and offer some tools you can use to make your ideas happen. We’ll work through how to identify what your project is, who it is for, and what resources you need. We’ll look at how to work out budgets and timelines and keep everything on track. This session will be practical and interactive, so bring your ideas along to discuss.
This workshop is free to attend and open to all but booking is necessary, as spaces are limited. For this online session, we will be using video calling platform Zoom. It is possible to take part with or without setting up an account. We have closed captions integrated on Zoom. If you have any access needs that you would like to discuss with us in advance of the session, please get in touch: rosie@turf-projects.com
Groundwerk is a monthly series of free practical workshops for artists and creatives wishing to gain the skills to support their practice. This workshop is supported by Arts Council England.
Ruth Claxton is an Artist who lives and works in Birmingham. Her work has been presented nationally and internationally by organisations including Ikon Gallery, Site Santa Fe, Spike Island, Whitechapel Gallery, Situations and the Guangzhou Triennial. She has work in the Arts Council Collection, and in 2012 she won the Arts Foundation’s Yoma Sasburg Sculpture Fellowship.
She is a co-founder of Eastside Projects in Birmingham where she leads the organisation with Gavin Wade. Working alongside others she has developed projects including Pub Conversations/Self Service 2006–8, Birmingham Art Map (2013–present), The Syllabus (2014–present) and Workshop Birmingham (2015–18). In 2015 she wrote the Birmingham Production Space proposal which led to STEAMhouse which opened in 2018 and offers artists access to a workshops, technical advice and business support and creates opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Image Credits:
Eastside Projects (with Ruth, Yas and Candice). Photo credit: Gavin Wade.
Hardeep Pandhal, ‘BAME Storm’, 2018, at Eastside Projects. Photo credit Stuart Whipps, courtesy of Eastside Projects.