Now Is The Time of Monsters: Croydon’s Exquisite Corpse

Once upon a rainy day in Croydon, there was a Beast.
Once upon a rainy day in Croydon, there was a Beast.
Est 2013, Turf is Croydon’s homegrown art space; free exhibitions & workshops, studios & collectives run by creatives for creatives.
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46-47 Trinity Court, Whitgift Centre, Croydon CR01UQ. For detailed visitor info, click here.
Monday | Closed |
Tuesday | Closed |
Wednesday | 11:00 — 17:00 |
Thursday | 11:00 — 17:00 |
Friday | 11:00 — 17:00 |
Saturday | 11:00 — 17:00 |
Sunday | Closed |
22 Dec – 8 Jan | Closed |
07519 072116