Diana Phiri-Witty

Turf trustee Diana is a project manager for the NHS who has a background in architecture and urban design. She is a Croydon resident and has lived in the area for over 10 years. She previously worked at Croydon Council as a planner and regeneration manager. Diana is also an illustrator and surface pattern designer […]

Yolanda Shields

Green tote bag made from repurposed denim trousers, featuring two soft toys on front, with green furry base

Yolanda’s aka Milktooth’s artistic practice is autobiographical and inspired by their experiences of Complex-PSTD. Using watercolour, collage and soft sculptures, they explore a self fractured through trauma, and the possibilities of reconstituting an identity by embracing fragmentation. They are currently involved in making a body of work titled Altars to my Alters.

Mira Hirtz

Multi-Media Artist, Movement Practitioner, Curator, Art Mediator & ✨ Turf’s Access Lead ✨   Basing her work on performative tools and somatic techniques, Mira Hirtz explores multi-sensory experiences and and articulations of our being-in-the-world. Looking at the intersections of art, health, ecology and science, her practice embraces the messiness of navigating life and dives into […]

Daisy Young

a brown sculpture that splits into three parts as it goes up

Materials and process sit at the core of my creative practice. Using clay, fabric, weave and stitch in combination I create large abstract unfired sculptures. I focus heavily on material processes and often use the language of craft within a fine art context. The vast landscapes within Devon and Cornwall greatly inform the aesthetic language […]

B Atherton

a neon light

Hi, I’m B, one of Turf’s Codirectors. I grew up in and live in Croydon. I’m one of Turf’s co-founding team assembled by Alice Cretney in 2013. I’ve done a bit of everything at Turf! I started out responsible for Turf’s marketing, including creating a lot of Turf’s visual identity & printed (except for our […]

Joseph Brown

a framed illustration of a stag beetle with pencils and natural objects surrounding it

Joseph Brown is Turf’s Marketing Assistant, and a long-term Turf volunteer. With a practice concerned with the inhabitants and habitats of the natural world, Joseph is a Croydon School of Art and UAL graduate.   instagram.com/jobrown_art   A print by Joseph, Mandible Gathering, is for sale here in the Turf shop in a limited edition […]