>>Stop apologising and own it. (Artist Feedback Session)




>>Stop apologising and own it


>>>>>’No formal Training’

>>>>>’Nervous laugh’

>>Stop apologising and own it.

>>>>>Never stop looking

>>>>>Never stop listening

>>>>>Never stop manifesting

>>It’s heart on sleeve time

>>So stop apologising and own it.

>>>>>Believe in better

>>>>>Want better

>>>>>Mean it.

>>Create the space and clean up the mess

>>>>>Really f%!king mean it…


>>>>>Remain open

>>Stop apologising and own it.






























































When The Rabbit Dies…


The dream flew by for you and I

A rabbit in a tube was amusing

But we knew he was meant to die.

So we poured it out

It was ok, He ran away

We tipped him out

He ran off and he was alright.

Just repeat that test tube story

I had a dream in a tube full of water

He’d actually drowned to death.

I told her, we agreed

She said we’d see

When the rabbit dies.

We could move to the sea

Just you and me

New life, make a new life.

Coz we agreed the answers in the tube

Cold, wet, bedraggled, a cartoon

Should I check my seed is there any need?

Big ears, a cute nose, whiskers long whiskers

Flooded from the pipe

He poured winded breathless and floored

Let me know though yeah?

When the rabbit dies †


For further listening:

Service Provider by Modern Technology


Lines of Metal by Samsuo


Welcome Bienvenidos Hola by KLS


Frog Eggs by Mark Dicker


RAM by Gnod X BNSU


Burning The Black Candles by 1727 & Möbius


Inspector Fogg by Inspector Fogg


Burning Axis by Burning Axis


English Youth by Lee Patterson


Vol.3: Chase Me Before The Plague by The Blue Tapes House Band


Meccano Club by Bobby Barry


The Big Jumper by Invisible Man


Broken Dream by Entschuldigung









† When The Rabbit Dies by SLOPS 2020


