an image of the bottom of someone's face with their tongue sticking out

Artists Lunchtime Crit: Led by Bryony Gillard


Eventbrite - Family Art Fun Day - Greenscreening!

Calling all artists, art students, performers and graduates alike!

Taking place every last Saturday of the month, our lunchtime crits give artists a chance to get feedback on their work from a practicing artist in a supportive and friendly environment. March’s crit will be led by current exhibition ‘A cap…’ artist Bryony Gillard.

Email us your images beforehand at at along with any additional requirements if you’d like us to get images up full scale on our projector!

Participation isn’t mandatory – you’re welcome to simply come and view the works and take part in the discussions



Situated between writing, performance, video and exhibition making, Bryony Gillard’s practice draws on the notion of ‘constant revision’ — states of being in which structures or ideas can be subverted, dissolved or questioned. Often focusing on investigating marginalized Herstories and practices, her work reflects upon events, approaches and ideas that refuse to be pinned down or categorized. Through a process of both uncovering and layering influences, histories and conversations, her work attempts to create a space for genealogies of Feminist practice that are allusive, messy and entangled in contemporary concerns.

Bryony has an MFA from the Dutch Art Institute, School for Art Praxis. Forthcoming projects in 2018 include a solo presentation at Turf Projects, Croydon and a group exhibition exploring the writings of Virginia Woolf at Tate St.Ives, Pallant House (Chichester) and the Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge). Her work has been included in a range of national and international contexts including Documnt (New York/Berlin), BB15 (Linz), Exeter Phoenix (U.K), Casa de Pova (São Paulo), Upominki (Rotterdam).


  • To help us support you best, please let us know if you have any access needs when booking.
  • For access info about getting to Turf and the Turf space, click here.
  • Our unit in the Whitgift Centre is 7 minutes walk (0.3 miles) from West Croydon Station and 8 minutes walk (0.4 miles) from East Croydon station.



Turf aims to be a space where all are welcomed & respected. We ask all attendees to align with this spirit when booking and support us in creating a welcoming & collaborative atmosphere together. We ask that everyone is;

  • Kind and respectful in our language and behaviour towards others. Turf is a space which is anti racism, sexism, homophobia and ableism.
  • Considerate of others’ time; allowing others room to speak & engage.
  • Respectful of the space itself as belonging to many people, treating the space & objects with care.
  • Attend wherever possible: In 2023, around 30% of people booking free tickets didn’t turn up! Our free tickets are limited and in high demand. Every person who doesn’t turn up means someone else can’t attend, so please let us know if you can’t make it to free up a space. If you don’t attend twice or more without letting us know, you may be restricted from booking again.

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