a greyscale photo of rows of hospital beds, a figure lays on one in the middle

Artist Q&A: Present State Examination

Join us for a question & answer session with artists of Present State Examination discussing the project and the impacts of personal work, both individually and politically.

1 Oct 7-8pm

Free & open to all online


Join us for a question & answer session with artists of Present State Examination discussing the project and the impacts of personal work, both individually and politically.

There will be an opportunity to put your own questions to the artists too.

Curated by Morgan Quaintance and Amanprit Sandhu of DAM Projects, Present State Examination is an exploration of the socio-cultural, interpersonal, existential or political conditions surrounding the perception and treatment of psychological, physical and neurological ‘illnesses’.

For this online session, we will be using video calling platform Zoom. It is possible to take part with or without setting up an account, and we will send instructions for joining when you sign up.



Bella Milroy (born Sheffield 1991) is an artist who lives in her hometown of Chesterfield, Derbyshire. She works responsively with found and archived material through mediums of sculpture, drawings, photography writing and text. Her work explores how we touch and make contact with the world around us, with the hand-held being of particular significance. She makes work about making work (and being disabled) and not being able to make work (and being disabled). She is interested in the duality of every-day existence, and how things can be both beautiful/painful, both interesting/dull. This process-based practice is fundamental to her as a disabled artist, utilising and working with the significant limits and demands of living with a chronic illness, all mixed in with the detritus of domesticity.

In 2015 she won the Birth Rites Collection Bi-Annual Award, part of which resulted in her residency at the Women’s Art Library, based at Goldsmiths University of London. Her resulting project, File Under Female, consists of a solo exhibition of her artwork; accompanying publication; and panel event, exploring core concerns of how we conserve, display and promote women’s art today.

She studied Fine Art (BA) at Nottingham Trent University 2010-2016.

Part of her practice includes her work with the Royal College of Physician’s Patient and Carer Network since 2014. In this work she challenges the way doctors and patients interact with one another and the significance of this relationship to the picture of our overall health as individuals.

Her favourite place to be is in the garden at home with her partner Jono, her dog Doris and her cat Grace.

www.bellamilroy.com // @bella.milroy



Jessica Scott (she/her) is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in London.

Her visual art practice combines social and political ideas with traditional craft skills, employing these in contemporary ways to create domestic objects and pieces of art that can slip into everyday life.

She often use the domestic in her work as a backdrop for exploring personal and cultural ideas about home, heritage, identity and belonging.

Her work touches on punk, feminism, diy culture and the politics of shared experiences.

jessica-scott.com // @Jessica__.Scott


  • To help us support you best, please let us know if you have any access needs when booking.
  • For access info about getting to Turf and the Turf space, click here.
  • Our unit in the Whitgift Centre is 7 minutes walk (0.3 miles) from West Croydon Station and 8 minutes walk (0.4 miles) from East Croydon station.



Turf aims to be a space where all are welcomed & respected. We ask all attendees to align with this spirit when booking and support us in creating a welcoming & collaborative atmosphere together. We ask that everyone is;

  • Kind and respectful in our language and behaviour towards others. Turf is a space which is anti racism, sexism, homophobia and ableism.
  • Considerate of others’ time; allowing others room to speak & engage.
  • Respectful of the space itself as belonging to many people, treating the space & objects with care.
  • Attend wherever possible: In 2023, around 30% of people booking free tickets didn’t turn up! Our free tickets are limited and in high demand. Every person who doesn’t turn up means someone else can’t attend, so please let us know if you can’t make it to free up a space. If you don’t attend twice or more without letting us know, you may be restricted from booking again.

Part of:

a line decending in the dark with text that goes along "Opening essay, Louisa Martin, Bella Milroy, Jessica Scott, closing essay"
Curated by DAM Projects, with new work by Louisa Martin, Bella Milroy, Jessica Scott
( Aug 2020 )

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