Katrina Man

a photograph of katrina man hammering a nail into a gallery wall

I am an independent curator and art consultant/producer based in London, UK. During and since completing my History of Art BA (UCL) and History of Art (Modern and Contemporary Art) MA (University of York) I have been specialising in innovative and under-represented contemporary art, especially art that engages with technology, social/political issues, the moving image […]

Grace Crannis

Grace is a designer and researcher with a background in architecture. She is co-founder of design studio Syrup and as Senior Planning Engagement Officer at Richmond and Wandsworth Councils, supports both authorities with delivering inclusive planning engagement. This includes commissioning creative digital and public realm projects for Wandsworth’s Local Plan and forthcoming Night Time Strategy.

Emily Marsh

a black and white photograph of emily marsh, one of turfs trustees.

Emily is an independent development consultant, providing fundraising, strategy and business planning support to arts and cultural organisations across the UK. Emily brings to the Board over 10 years’ experience in the sector, and a commitment to advocating for the arts for all.