// OPENING 13 Sept 5-9pm
// Weds – Sun 11-5pm @ Turf Studios Project Space, 39-40 Keeley Road, Croydon, CR0 1TF
Living in modern day cities and towns we don’t notice small details. Neither do we take a break from our modern lives and look around us. By looking at objects closely, can we encourage people to look at details and take in their modern cities differently?
“I enjoy giving people different experiences and different ways of looking at art. I wish I could manage to slow people down just for five minutes and changing their perspective about looking at the world. So I hope their viewpoint will change as mine does.“
Louis French is a disabled artist, who uses a wheelchair. Much of his work plays with notions of perception. His disability informs his interests, as his physical viewpoint changes every three years as he moves through using different chairs. Using sculpture, print and photography to create imagined landscapes that zoom between micro and macro, he challenges people to consider how they see and experience the world. His approach is playful, creating puzzles and tricks for the eye; from his use of ambiguous forms and imagery to his game-like title – an anagram for viewers to decipher.