Groundwerk Manual

Groundwerk Manual is series of downloadable resources for artists and creatives wishing to gain the skills to support their practice.

The Groundwerk workshop programme was originally set up to address what we felt were gaps in essential skills within our arts education, in preparing us for careers in the arts. We wanted to turn these one-off sessions into more permanent resources everyone can use to help guide and demystify some of these vital aspects of a creative career.

Download the Manuals below;

These first instalments of the Groundwerk Manual have been created in response to what people thought were the top skill needs for creative careers, voted on via polls on our instagram. The creation of these Manuals was made possible with support by the Arts Council Emergency Response Grant.

If you think there are other essential skills gaps and have a suggestion for a future Groundwerk session, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at

More about the resources:

Art Handling And Packing

by Seamus Gough

“In 2017 Seamus Gough ran an art handling and packing workshop at Turf projects. He’s worked as a technician, studio assistant and art and furniture fabricator. Here are some tips he picked up along the way.”

 Download Art Handling and Packing by Seamus Gough

Collaboration And Participation

by Ed Webb-Ingall

“I work with archival materials and methodologies largely drawn from community video to collaborate with groups. Together, we explore under-represented historical moments and their relationship to contemporary life, developing modes of self-representation specific to the subject or the experiences of the participants. As a result of these processes of historical research and reactivation I have produced a list or set of instructions that set out to explain how one might initiate and facilitate a similar project.

This resource takes the form of a workshop outline, which takes this list as a starting point for thinking about ways of working collaboratively.”

 Download Collaboration and Participation by Ed Webb-Ingall

Copyright For Artists

by Kimberley Ahmet of Artists’ Collecting Society

“Intellectual property is one of the most important tools an artist has in their toolbox enabling creators to control how their work is reproduced and can provide additional income.
At the Artists’ Collecting Society (ACS) we know the importance of protecting creators Intellectual Property. Below, we have collated some of the most important points you should consider as your career and oeuvre develops.”

 Download Copyright for Artists by Kimberley Ahmet of Artists’ Collecting Society

Documenting Artwork

by Tim Bowditch

“Having good quality, consistent documentation of your artwork is important in order to communicate how the work looks either in isolation or in context when it is not possible to view it in person.

You might have existing images of works and installations from previous exhibitions taken by professional photographers however you will also be working on new projects that you want to include in funding proposals or submissions that you need to document yourself in your studio without the same kind of equipment or conditions.

This guide aims to explain the fundamental things you can do that will enable you to get consistent results.”

Download Documenting Artwork by Tim Bowditch

Self-Employment For Creatives

by Shakyra Campbell

“Going it alone in the world of work can be incredibly freeing and affords individuals flexibility and control in forging the career of their choosing. However, freelancing can also feel daunting, and often lacks the security built into other employment structures. In this resource, learn how to set up as a freelancer. Read about how to successfully complete a tax return as a self-employed artist or creative, and how to account for your future by setting up a freelance pension. Gain an understanding of how to identify a good contract and what your rights are as a freelancer working for an organisation.”

Download Self-Employment for Creatives by Shakyra Campbell

Unions + Collective Action For Art Workers

by Magda Fabianczyk & Ioli Tzanetaki of WeHybrids

“It’s necessary to begin again to understand the nature of the political through a practical return to the most basic relationships and questions; of self to other, of individual to collective, of autonomy and solidarity, and conflict and consensus […]”
– Grant Kester, FIELD editorial, Spring 2015

“In this resource, you will find a list of steps that you can take in order to act with others towards change. It is by no means an exhaustive list, but merely a proposition for how one could begin the process of ‘acting in common’. These are followed by a number of case studies of current collective actions – how different groups of cultural workers organised and why, what they stand for, what they change. Finally, a list of further reading and resources are available for anyone who is interested to explore the topic further.”

Download Unions + Collective Action for Art Workers by Magda Fabianczyk & Ioli Tzanetaki of WeHybrids