Application deadline:
Midnight, 19th September 2022
Key info:
Turf is Croydon’s homegrown art space; a registered charity set up and run by local artists to support creatives and our local community. Find out more about what we do, our team and our space, visit
This is a role to primarily support Turf’s finance-related operations and management. The core aim of the role is to administer and oversee the Charity’s finances. The Officer will be responsible for preparing financial statements, monthly management accounts, bookkeeping and maintaining cash controls.
Everyone at Turf is a practicing artist and feeds into the programme, so we’re also keen to hear about your creative practice if you have one.
Pay & terms:
Contract: Part-time fixed term freelance contract of 6 months, with opportunity to extend (funding dependent)
Pay: £600 per month (£150 per day including VAT)
Hours: 4 days per month, between Wed-Sat (our opening hours)
Interviews (in person or online): 23rd September 2022
Start date: Last week of September (date tbc)
Person spec:
- Personal connections to & active knowledge of Croydon are preferable.
- An affinity with Turf’s aims and ethos. We strive to be welcoming, kind, accessible and curious, conscious of our duty to the public and those we work with.
- Strong digital and written literacy. Letting us know what tools you’re familiar with would be great!
- Experience in financial budget creation, management and reporting
- Experience in managing finance within the charity sector desirable
- Efficient, well-organised, and reliable.
- You’ll be great at communication and collaborating. You’ll be patient, kind, curious and able to work with individuals and organisations from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience.
- Ensure that finance systems and processes which support our Financial Management policies are set up, documented and implemented.
- Ensure that sufficient records are maintained to show and explain Turf Projects’ transactions, in order to disclose accurately, the financial position of Turf Projects at any time.
- Respond to emails, and telephone enquiries in a timely manner
- Adhere to Turf Projects’ and the Charity Commission’s policies on finance management, code of conduct, conflict of interest, health and safety, equal opportunities & safeguarding
- Attend and participate in Board meetings and Sub-Committee meetings as required
- Turf is an artist-led space, so we’d love to hear about your artistic practice if you have one and/or interest in the Arts.
Key responsibilities:
- Maintain the accounting system (Xero) and ensuring that bank accounts and petty cash are reconciled at the month end
- Preparation of charity Annual budget and cashflow projections (in liaison with Community Producer Fundraising & Development role)
- Preparing quarterly budget summary to report to Trustee meetings. Presenting these financial reports at each Board of Trustees Meeting which give the Trustees an understanding of Turf Projects overall finances, and giving advice and information to support decision making
- Prepare monthly organisational management reports using our accounting software Xero to circulate to team & Board of trustees
- Management of restricted, unrestricted & reserves funds – recording and monitoring in line with grants, match funding etc
- Day to day book-keeping and financial administration, including payment of invoices, issuing invoices and receipts, cash management including receiving, recording and promptly banking all monies received
- Preparation of annual accounts in accordance with Charity Commission guidelines
- Filing Gift Aid and Co-operation tax forms as required
- Management of Paypal income transfers
- Xero report exports on request for team members for project budget monitoring checks
- Attending finance sub-group meetings with team members and trustees to improve and streamline finance & procurement processes (in liaison with Community Producer Fundraising & Development role)
- Shop purchases admin – there is also opportunity to feed into the development of the shop and the items we sell in it
Essential things to know about working at Turf:
- Turf is a registered charity with a board of trustees. You’d need to align with Turf and the Charity Commission’s policies on finance management, code of conduct, conflict of interest, health and safety, equal opportunities & safeguarding.
- We have a nonhierarchical team structure, which means;
- We have mutual accountability processes and collaborative decision making on major decisions. We check in with each other weekly and have both a team review and a board meeting quarterly.
- We’re all paid equivalent to the same day rate (£150 per day).
- We all share in front of house duties, though we also factor in some working from home as much as possible (up to 25% of our time).
- We also share various rota tasks e.g restocking the loo roll!
- As an artist-led space, we aim to promote and develop the artistic practices of our staff as well as the artists we work with. As a Turf team member, you’ll be invited to feed into the programme, and share and develop your creative work with us.
- 10% of our time can be used as ‘Wiggle Time’ – wiggle room to spend on activities which are of benefit to both our practices and Turf. It’s a bit like paid personal development time, but geared towards ensuring our practices are interwoven into Turf.
- Key tools we use are; Google Drive/Sheets, Xero, Asana, Slack
Turf Projects is committed to equality and diversity in its recruitment policy. Please let us know if you would like this information in an alternative format.
We welcome applications from people of any age, gender, or colour, from socially excluded minority backgrounds and disabled people.
Please apply by midnight, Monday 19th September to:
We’d like to know:
- Why you’d like to take on this role
- How you meet the person specification
- How your experience in managing finances/book-keeping and other responsibilities match the requirements of this role
We’re very flexible on how you apply;
- Email us a CV & cover letter.
- Send us your CV with a film intro to yourself and why you’re interested.
- Send us a sound note recording with your CV
- Any format that works for you!
We don’t have a format we prefer, and your format won’t impact our consideration of your application, so send whatever you’re comfortable with.

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