We want to discover your town centre!

Enter your activity guide into our competition and one lucky local will win a BIG art kit!

Ask an adult to help you share your activity guide with us by email at info@turf-projects.com, on Instagram @TurfProjects, or drop your activity guide off at your local library.

Don’t forget to include your name, postcode and contact details.


About this Activity Guide…

The Croydon Town Centre Regeneration  Strategy is a plan being made by Croydon Council to decide how the town centre of Croydon should evolve and change.

Croydon Council is working with lots of people to make sure this plan includes everyone. They have asked We Made That and artists at Turf Projects (who made this guide) to help them.

Find out more at croydonurbanroom.com

Illustration & Design:

B Atherton