Turf Policies

In 2024 we committed to making all of our policies online, so others can use them as resources and understand how we work.

All of our policies are collaboratively created by the team each year at our annual review. We aim to make our policies as accessible, easily understood and process-led as possible within legal requirements.

We have quite a few policy documents, and will be adding them here as they’re styled and ready!

General Policies

These outline how we work together and others.

Financial Policies

How we manage money and our safeguards for Turf’s finances.

Turf Projects Website Privacy Policy

What happens to your data on our website and when you place shop orders.

Health & Safety Policies

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

How we work with children & vulnerable adults and protect them from harm.

Coming soon after our annual update!

Turf Projects Equal Opportunities Policy

Coming soon after our annual update!

Turf Projects Equality and Diversity Policy

Coming soon after our annual update!

Turf Projects Volunteer and Intern policy

Coming soon after our annual update!